I. Introduction

Business name:


Horný Smokovec 21, 062 01 Vysoké Tatry.
VAT: 35781319

DPH: SK2020255963
Commercial Register of OS Prešov in section Sa, insert number 10191/P

Contracting parties – supplier, provider: GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s., accommodation, catering, congress and relaxation and sports services to the customer (guest) for payment.

Parties to the contract – customer, client.
These terms and conditions apply only to services provided at GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s.
The Terms and Conditions are binding on all parties and upon payment of the deposit by the Customer they acquire the status of a contract in accordance with the applicable provisions of the binding regulations of the Slovak Republic.

II. Customer

Customers staying at GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. are persons over 18 years of age. Persons under 15 years of age may use the services when accompanied by a person over 18 years of age. Persons aged 15 – 18 years only with the consent of their legal representative.

III. Establishment of contractual relationship

The contractual relationship between the customer and GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is established on the basis of an order (telephone, fax or e-mail). On the basis of the order, GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. sends the customer a confirmation of the reservation and at the same time reserves the requested free date to the customer for a maximum period of 14 days. During this period it is necessary to pay a deposit of 100% of the price of the services provided. The exact amount is indicated on the booking confirmation. The booking confirmation contains all the necessary data – the customer’s name, number of beds, date of accommodation, etc., and is signed by an employee of GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s.

By paying the deposit, the customer confirms that he/she is familiar with the services, price, payment terms and cancellation conditions. The customer who placed the order is responsible for the contractual obligation of the other persons mentioned in the reservation. Without payment of the deposit, the booking cannot be accepted and the booking is cancelled after 14 days.

IV. Pricing and payment

Accommodation is provided on a fee basis, where the price for accommodation is set on the basis of a price list or by agreement of the parties. The price for accommodation is payable at the end of the stay at the latest, unless otherwise agreed. Payment shall be made in cash or by credit card. In the event of damage caused by the fault of the guest, GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is entitled to claim compensation for damages. The guest is obliged to pay for any damage incurred in the areas reserved for accommodation in full, including compensation for lost profits in the amount of the applicable price for accommodation and other common areas for the entire period during which the room will be out of service. This obligation shall also apply if the damage is caused by children or other persons staying with the guest. The form of payment by invoice is only possible after prior agreement with the hotel management. The invoice is payable within 7 days from the date of issue, the date of payment being the date on which the funds are credited to the hotel’s account. In case of delay in payment of the final invoice, the hotel charges interest of 0.05% of the amount due for each day of delay, starting from the day following the due date of the receivable in question.

V. Customer rights and obligations

The customer is obliged to:

  • keep the booking confirmation and present it upon check-in
  • pay the accommodation price according to the current price list, unless otherwise agreed
  • use the accommodation and other communal areas properly and keep them clean and tidy
  • familiarise themselves with the General Conditions of Accommodation and abide by them
  • to notify without delay the need to carry out repairs in the accommodation areas
  • immediately report any damage or injury caused to the premises

The Customer must not, without the Provider’s consent:

  • make substantial changes to the accommodation (moving furniture, etc.)
  • use own appliances in the premises, except for personal hygiene and grooming appliances
  • to leave the premises reserved for accommodation to another person
  • receive visitors in the room without the prior consent of the provider
  • give the address of the hotel as a place of business

Furthermore, the customer may not:

  • carry weapons and munitions or otherwise keep them in a condition for their immediate use
  • possess, manufacture or keep narcotic or psychotropic substances or poisons, unless they are medicines which the customer has been prescribed to take by a doctor
  • smoking (smoking is only permitted in the Havana Club and Lucullus Bar and in designated hotel rooms)

Guests are advised to keep jewellery, money and other valuables in the in-room safe. GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is not liable for loss or damage to these items under the provisions of the Civil Code. Visiting the hotel with pets is only possible with prior consent of the reception.

VI. Events

  • The event organiser must notify the hotel of the final number of participants at least 4 working days after the event date to ensure careful preparation.
  • In the event of an upward variation in the number of participants, the actual number of participants shall be the basis for billing.
  • If the number of participants deviates by more than 10%, the hotel is entitled to rework and fix the agreed price.
  • For events lasting longer than 02.00, the hotel may charge a service charge on the basis of individual receipts, unless the agreed remuneration already takes into account a duration longer than 02.00.
  • As a matter of principle, the event organiser is not entitled to bring food or beverages to events. Exceptions require prior written agreement with the hotel. In such cases, a service charge will be levied (the so-called tapping fee).
  • The event organiser/host is responsible for payment of any additional food, beverages and other services ordered by the event attendees.
  • The event organiser / customer is obliged to notify the hotel without notice if the execution of the event is likely to endanger the interests of the hotel on the basis of its content or nature.
  • Advertisements in newspapers, as well as other arrangements or disclosures, especially invitations to job interviews, political or religious events, and sales events that show an affiliation with the hotel, require the hotel’s prior written approval in principle.
  • If the hotel procures technical and other equipment from third parties for the event organiser at the latter’s initiative, it acts on behalf of, with the full power of attorney and for the account of the event organiser. The event organiser indemnifies the hotel against all claims of third parties for the provision of such equipment.
  • The use of the event organiser’s own electrical equipment when using the hotel’s electrical network requires the event organiser’s written consent. Malfunctions or damage to the hotel’s technical equipment caused by the use of these facilities shall be at the expense of the event organiser, unless caused by the hotel. For events, the Hotel reserves the right to limit the use of electricity beyond the normal consumption limit and the use of any high consumption electrical equipment requires written consent prior to the start of the event. ( Various lighting equipment, lighting effects, music equipment etc – the basis is the sum of the consumption of the own electrical equipment and this must not exceed an instantaneous consumption of 36 kW).
  • The decoration material brought in must comply with legal fire requirements. The hotel is entitled to require official confirmation for this. Due to possible damages, the installation and placement of items must be agreed with the hotel in advance.
  • Display and other items brought in must be removed immediately after the event. If this is not done by the event organiser and the items remain in the event room, the hotel may charge room rent while the items remain. The event organiser retains the right to prove the lesser of the damage and the hotel the greater. The hotel is also entitled to carry out the removal and storage at the event organiser’s expense without incurring a custody or storage contract. The event organiser shall be liable to pay the hotel for the damage caused by the accumulation of the items left behind. The event organiser shall be liable for damage to the hotel’s equipment or inventory; in the event of damage to or destruction of the hotel’s property, the hotel shall be entitled to compensation at the acquisition value of the destroyed inventory.

VII. Rights and obligations of the service provider

GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is obliged to ensure all the rights of the customer. The right of GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. in cases beyond its control is:
a) change the date of stay
b) change the prices
c) change the scope of services
d) cancel the contract

If the customer does not agree with changes a) to d), he has the right to withdraw from the contract in writing within 48 hours of notification of the changes. In this case, GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. will refund 100% of the accommodation price paid to the customer.

The date of delivery of the withdrawal is decisive. Otherwise, the change shall be deemed to have been agreed to. In the event that a situation arises where GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. will refund the customer, it is obliged to do so as soon as possible, but at the latest within 30 days of the occurrence of the fact decisive for the refund.

The hotel is liable for damage caused to the items brought in or put away pursuant to § 433 et seq. of the Civil Code, i.e. the hotel is liable for damage to items brought in by or for customers, unless the damage is caused otherwise. Things brought in are things which have been reserved for accommodation or storage or which have been handed over to a hotel employee for this purpose /§ 433(1) of the Civil Code/.

The hotel is responsible for jewellery, money and other valuables up to the amount of € 331.94 (Regulation of the Government of the Slovak Republic No. 18/1995 Coll., implementing certain provisions of the Civil Code). The right to compensation for damages expires if it is not exercised by the fifteenth day after the day on which the injured party became aware of the damage /§ 436, second sentence of the Civil Code/.

The hotel is liable under the law for items brought into the building by the customer if they have been stored in a locked safe in the room. Cash, securities and valuables may be stored in the hotel safe up to a maximum value corresponding to the insurance guarantee satisfactory to the hotel. The hotel recommends that guests take advantage of this service. The claim will be cancelled if the customer does not immediately report knowledge of loss or damage . Liability is only possible if the room or property in which the particular item was locked.

VIII. Cancellation policy

The customer has the right to withdraw from the contract at any time before the start of the stay, without giving reasons. Withdrawal is possible only in writing. This cancellation must be delivered to the company.
GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, Inc. and the customer is obliged to pay the following fees:

Cancellation before arrivalFee
more than 60 days10 % of the total amount of services ordered according to the preliminary calculation
31-60 days20 % of the total amount of services ordered according to the preliminary calculation
11-30 days50 % of the total amount of services ordered according to the preliminary calculation
2-10 days80 % of the total amount of services ordered according to the preliminary calculation
1 day before arrival100 % of the total amount of services ordered according to the preliminary calculation

Note: Individual calendar days are always counted as follows: the 1st day counted is the day of cancellation indicated by the customer on the cancellation. The last day counted is the day before the day of arrival (scheduled start of services). Non-arrival of the accommodation services on the date indicated in the reservation is also considered as cancellation of the entire stay. On the day following the marked day of arrival, all reserved places are released for the use of other customers. GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is obliged in case of cancellation to make a settlement and transfer the remaining amount to the customer within 30 calendar days at the latest.

Please note: GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. requires payment of cancellation fees even in case of serious reasons such as illness, natural disasters, etc. In this case, we recommend taking out a good quality insurance against cancellation fees and claiming compensation from the insurance company. The cancellation fee must also be paid if the customer does not attend the stay due to incorrect information given on the booking form or fails to provide proof of payment of the deposit. A change of date is considered a cancellation of the stay and a subsequent new booking.

IX. Complaint about stay

In the event that the services specified in the order (duly paid for) do not correspond in full extent or quality, the customer has the right to make a complaint. In case of defects, the customer is obliged to file a claim immediately on the spot with the accommodation provider so that the remedy can be carried out on the spot. If no remedy can be agreed, the customer and the service provider shall draw up a complaint report, which must be signed by both parties. If it is not possible to draw up this protocol with the service provider, then the customer shall draw up the complaint himself, indicating a witness (contact details required) and his signature. The customer is obliged to send the report or complaint to GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. immediately after the end of the stay (but within a maximum of 7 days). If the complaint is found to be justified after investigation, the customer is entitled to a reasonable discount. GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is obliged to notify the customer of the result of the complaint investigation within 30 days from the date of filing the complaint at the latest. In case of granting a discount, GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. is obliged to refund the amount to the customer within 7 days from the notification of the complaint investigation. Complaints – the right to complain about goods and services provided is regulated by the hotel’s complaints procedure, which is an integral part of the general terms and conditions.

X. Insurance

GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s. does not include insurance in the price of stays. The customer is recommended to take out insurance with any insurance company in the Slovak Republic:

  • accident insurance for travel and stay in the country and abroad
  • insurance of cancellation fees

XI. Various

  • The wake-up service is carried out by the hotel with the utmost care. Messages, mail and guest deliveries are always handled with care. The hotel will take delivery and custody and will arrange for the dispatch on request for a fee.
  • Luggage can be taken to the hotel cloakroom if it is open by prior arrangement.
  • The hotel cloakroom only takes custody of outerwear of non-hotel guests directly related to the event taking place on the hotel premises, and only for the duration of the event.
  • The hotel accepts no responsibility for valuables and items that are stored in outerwear or hand luggage.
  • The Hotel is not liable for injuries occurring during leisure programs of any kind on both indoor and outdoor areas of the Hotel, unless the Hotel acts grossly, negligently or intentionally.
  • Parents of toddlers and young children are responsible to ensure that the cleanliness of the rooms is maintained. This is mainly to protect beds, sofas from soiling by children who are not yet able to maintain personal hygiene.
  • Between 22:00 and 07:00, the hotel has a night-time quiet regime, when guests are obliged to behave in such a way as not to disturb others with excessive noise, except for sales centres with longer opening hours, events in congress areas and within the norms of social behaviour.
  • Guests’ vehicles may be parked in the hotel’s own car park, subject to general parking and traffic regulations. For organisational, technical or other reasons, the provider may ask the guest to prepare the car. These parking areas are self-service, monitored by CCTV and the provider is not liable for any theft of the vehicle or belongings in the vehicle.
  • Parking is only possible in spaces marked with parking lines. The parking space is free of charge for guests staying at the hotel and for non-hotel guests who have used the services provided by the hotel at the same time and can prove their hotel receipt. By parking the car, the guests do not create any custody contract for the hotel.
  • The stay of the customer in the hotel is further regulated by the Accommodation Regulations of GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s., which is binding for hotel guests.
  • By paying for the stay or the deposit for the stay, the guest confirms that he/she is aware of these terms and conditions, agrees to them and accepts them in full.
  • The design of the www.hotelbellevue.sk website, its content, logos, icons, texts, visual elements, selection and arrangement of elements, their organization, graphic display, conversions and other related elements are protected by copyright and other laws relating to industrial property. The user does not acquire any rights to the elements displayed through the www.hotelbellevue.sk website. None of these elements may be used, copied, otherwise reproduced, distributed, modified and/or publicly distributed in any form and/or by any means without the prior written consent of the provider.
  • Found Elements are transmitted only upon request. They shall be retained at the hotel for a period of six months. After this period, items of apparent value shall be handed over to the local lost and found department.
  • GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, Inc. reserves the right to cancel a reservation in the following cases: – The email address or IP address provided in the booking process has been used multiple times for bookings where the client has failed to appear, the client’s credit card information provided has been used for false bookings in the past and was invalid or otherwise incorrectly provided.
  • Congress and social events / closed company /:- hotel guests do not have access to social and corporate events taking place in the hotel premises, unless they have been invited to these events. Specific congress premises are in operation based on the specific request of the customer. The ordered spaces are marked, entry is only for persons invited by the customer. Other hotel guests are prohibited from entering.
  • Catering services connected to the program in the premises of the restaurant or congress center shall be agreed upon by the customer in advance. The customer / organizer assumes responsibility for the safety of the guests and has the obligation to ensure the organization, health and fire service, notification obligation to the city of Vysoké Tatry, according to applicable laws and other generally binding legal regulations (such as music production or other artistic performances that the customer provides himself, and which are subject to mandatory reporting – Soza, Slovgram, Lita fees, etc.)
  • In the case of stays – service packages, replacement of included procedures, massages, sports facilities, etc. at the client’s request is possible only with regard to their price and in case the capacity of the wellness and sports center allows it at the given time. The hotel has the right to provide substitute performance in the event that, due to technical and organizational reasons, it is not possible to provide any of the prepaid services during the stay. If any service included in the stay is not performed, through no fault of the hotel, it is not possible to refund cash for the services not performed or to exchange part of the prepaid services for cash, due to the preferential pricing of the stay service package.
  • The hotel reserves the right to additionally charge the client’s credit card for any differences that will be detected after the client’s departure (e.g. consumption from the minibar, etc.).
  • The customer’s stay in the Wellness Center is further governed by the Wellness Center’s operating rules, which are binding for all guests. The guest has the right to the provision of substitute performance in the event that the Wellness Center is closed for technical reasons.
    (These are only hotel guests who have access to the Wellness Center already included in the price of accommodation.)
  • For safety reasons, it is not allowed to leave children under the age of 13 without the supervision of an adult in the room and other premises of GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s.
  • In the event of an accident or other unforeseen circumstances, the person with whom the child is registered to stay is responsible for the child.
  • Before leaving the room, the accommodated person is obliged to close the water taps, turn off the lights in the room and adjacent areas of the room, turn off electrical appliances, (in particular, guests are not allowed to use their own electrical, gas – portable appliances in the room, this restriction does not apply to the use of electrical appliances installed in the room or portable electrical devices used for the personal hygiene of the guest – shaver, hair dryer, etc.), close the balcony door and close the windows, close the front door of the room and hand over the magnetic card at the reception when leaving the accommodation.
  • When placing an order, the customer confirms his agreement with these valid general terms and conditions of the hotel. The hotel reserves the right to make changes to these general terms and conditions. The obligation to notify the general terms and conditions in writing is fulfilled by placing them in accessible places in the hotel premises and on the hotel’s websites: www.hotelbellevue.sk and www.grandhotelbellevue.eu.
  • The place of performance and payment is the hotel. In business relations, the exclusive seat of the court is the seat of the hotel. Slovak law applies. The application of the Vienna
  • Convention on the Purchase Law of the United Nations from the conflict of law is excluded. Should individual provisions of these general terms and conditions be or become ineffective or invalid in the future, this does not affect the effectiveness of the other provisions.

General terms and conditions were issued by GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE, a.s.

In Horny Smokovec, on March 1, 2019

Online Booking